Capital Projects Contact Information
WATERSYSTEM EXTENSION TO TRANSFER STATION: From the western end of the Village to the Transfer Station (approx. 900 meters) a waterline was installed along the Forestry Access Road. This water system provides water to the transfer station for both water consumption and cleaning purposes of the bins and other equipment. This water system project cost $109,000. and was completed by Trans Water Services Ltd.
ROAD & AIRSTRIP IMPROVEMENTS: The logging road, Village roads and airstrip was upgraded as well as the ditching alongside the roads. The project included the addition of new used equipment including a grader, compactor upgrade and a portable rock crusher. Phase 1 included: scarify and reshape airstrip; crushing and sorting of new material; placement, grading and compaction of rock for runway surface. Phase 2 and 3 included: scarify and reshape roadway; crushing and sorting of rock from quarry; placement, grading and compaction of rock for roadway surface; inspect existing ditches and clear debris; inspect existing culverts and clear debris. North Island Rockpro did the contract work at total cost of $1,824,950. GHD did the engineering work at a cost of $88,800.
BIOMASS ENERGY FEASIBILITY STUDY: A feasibility study was done to examine the use of local wood supply to create a district heating system for the commercial buildings. The objective of this study is to assess available biomass resources within the Wuikinuxv Nations traditional territory, and the feasibility of developing a biomass fueled, small-scale district heating system for the village of Wuikinuxv. The overall conclusion of this study was that the most favorable scenario among those explored was the Community Woodstoves scenario. This approach involves utilizing log purchasin gas a means of meeting the needed biomass supply requirements, subsequently processing those logs into cordwood, and then distributing that cordwood to individual buildings throughout Wuikinuxv village, to be burned in high-efficiency residential woodstoves. A staged roll-out of a wood stoves program in Wuikinuxv was also identified as a possibility in this scenario. An initial stage could consist of wood stoves being installed in community buildings first, to be followed up by the installation of wood stoves in residential buildings in a later stage. Thus, this study recommends advancingthe components encompassed by the Community Woodstoves scenario into a Phase 2preliminary design and costing phase. Barkley Project Group did the feasibility study at a cost of $57,000.
2 ELECTRICAL METERING PROJECT: 13 commercial buildings and all residential metering has been successfully installed and are now actively recording home energy consumption. Community engagement and energy conservation has commenced with a planned community meeting in April of 2024. A digital platform has been created, this platform will deliver home energy usage to the homeowner, a user pay per Kwh if implemented, will utilize the same digital platform. The project is now focusing on developing a utility charter and business plan in support of the user pay per kwh system, ongoing community engagement and chief & council participation will play a key role in the delivery of a new electrification program. A digital display system has been purchased and developed; this system will be installed in the community band office reception office April/May of https://storage.capture.litmus.com/api/emails/f547188a-d04c-4e6f-9924-b5fad2c0f7d0/captures/appmail15/full?images=allowed&orientation=vertical&width=13662024.The display board will provide real time village energy consumption (kw),renewables vs diesel, total kw capacity available and total annual energy demand to date. This live display board will provide community members with a greater understand of real time energy usage while encouraging individuals to play a positive role in energy conservation. Load controllers and system programming, this scope of this work is still under construction. The back-end PLC programming within the hydropower/diesel generation system supports all communications between the two energy systems while following the village’s active load. A specific code is under development, this coding will allow the generation system to communicate with large electrical loads in the village inr eal time when single large loads request run time. This communication and load permission back-end programming will create up to 25% efficiency in hydro governing. Equipment purchasing and final system coding will be completing over the summer of 2024. The band office heat pump system is expected to be the first building to see the “Smart Load Controller” system implemented. This project cost $202,270.
LOWER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT (DESIGN): Through community consultation, gaining support of environmental agencies (DFO and the Province),the engineers McElhanney have completed the design of a concrete bridge and prepared the construction plans to hopefully start this spring. The cost of the design work was $139,000.
ONGOING PROJECTS YOUTH CENTER (DESIGN): The final packaging of the Youth Center funding proposal to Indigenous Services Canada will be done and brought to the Chief and Council for a supporting Band Council Resolution. This initial funding proposal will be to obtain design monies and further development of the second funding proposals for the construction of the Youth Center. Eventually the Youth Center will be put in a contract tender bidding process with funding from own-source revenue (already in place), Jordan Principal funds and a private foundation. The estimated design is $495,000.
3MULTI-UNIT HOUSING DEVELOPMENT: Through the availability of Double Housing funds from Indigenous Services Canada and own-source-revenue from the WuikinuxvNation the multi-unit housing development will see the completion of 6 housing units within two triplexes on lots #67 and #68. Each housing unit will be 1250sq feet with three bedrooms and two bathrooms each. All housing units will have kitchen appliances as well as washer and dryers. Muchalat Construction is now building these units in their Cumberland plant and should have it delivered and finished by the end of September 2024. The total cost of this project is just under $3,600,000.
WHARF & FLOAT REPLACEMENT: Although 95% of the wharf and float replacement project is complete there are some remaining elements(subject to current negotiations with the government), including: the installment of security cameras; the construction of a concrete float at RIC; the replacement of treated fir lumber planks with locally milled cedar plankson the floats; the painting of Wuikinuxv designs on the metal wall depicting each of the four brothers, and; additional electrical work and railing work. The additional costs will be just over two hundred thousand dollars.
HYDRO EXPANSIONFEASIBILITY STUDY: The key elements of this project initiative include: Phase1: Generation and Load Modeling; Phase 1: Mechanical Design Review; Phase 2:Protection and Control Design Review; Phase 2: Civil Design Review; Phase 2:Power Distribution Line Loss Review; Phase 3: Design Review, Capital Costing and Final Reporting; Wuikinuxv Nation Administrative Project Support ;Powerhouse Generation Expansion. Project Budget: $285,901
ALPINE LAKES DAMFEASIBILITY STUDY: The key elements of this project initiative include: Phase1: Energy Load and Storage Modeling; Phase 1: Flood Inundation Study; Phase 1:Dam Preliminary Civil Design; Phase 2: Permitting Review and Final Report; Wuikinuxv Nation Administrative Project Support. Project Budget: $189,283 LANDFILLCLOSURE (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT): Upon the completion of the new transfer station in Wuikinuxv in 2021, the existing landfill in the community is no longer required and continues to pose a number of risks. This project would include the assessment of closure options for the landfill. Additionally, proper closure of the landfill will also protect the environment and ensure that waste is not discharged into the natural environment. The cost estimate is$125,000.
WUIKINUXV WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHASE1): The aim of this project is to evaluate the viability of establishing a new wastewater treatment and disposal system for the Wuikinuxv community. DavidNairne + Associated Ltd. (DNA) have been commissioned by Wuikinuxv to carry out this feasibility assessment. The DNA options included: septic fields as inplace now; lagoon or a sewage treatment plan. The community selected the lagoon option, however, 4 there has been a recommendation that efforts be made to find funds to have a delegation of Wuikinuxv representatives visit other First Nation communities on Vancouver Island to get a tour of both the lagoon and sewage treatment plant options. The final report will give consideration to the outcome of this proposed tour. The cost of this feasibility study is $
WUIKINUXV WATER SYSTEM UPGRADES (DESIGN PHASE 1): The objective of this project is to provide recommended water system upgrades and develop the pre-design for the proposed system upgrades for Wuikinuxv. David Nairne + Associated Ltd.(DNA) were contracted by the Wuikinuxv to conduct this pre-design assessment per their proposal dated December 2019. It was collectively agreed to revise the scope of work to include a phased approach to the design. The revised scope of work was submitted to ISC in March 2021 and the project work proceeded after approval in April 2021.
ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN: The key elements of this project initiative include: Project Initiation; Asset Identification & Assessment; Asset Management Plan; Maintenance Task Accounting; Training; Wrap up and Final Report. The Project Total $70,000 DEISEL POWERHOUSE & COMMUNITY FUELSYSTEMS UPGRADES: The key elements of this project initiative include: The purchase of a 400 kW, 600VAC, 3 Phase, 60 Hz. Generator set and ancillaries,including shipping and installation. Cleaning the diesel and gas fuel tanksystems and reorganizing them for maximum fuel supply. Fixing the fuel cashcard system so that both gas and diesel can be purchased at the fuel station. Cleaning the generator building, the area around the building and the fuel station tanks and area around the tanks so that it meets all environmental and safety regulations. The estimated project cost is approximately $1,000,000.
FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: There is a working relationship being developed withthe First Nations Emergency Services Society based on a recently developed FireProtection Strategic Plan consisting of 15 key strategies. The volunteer Fire Department members are consistently doing fire protection training exercises. Every effort will be made to obtain key fire equipment, such as the following: POLYTUFF 800 1.5" WHITE hose: Poly-Tuff-Lite 1.5" x 50' c/w 1.5NPSH,WHITE; "Stream light - Survivor LED with Charger/Holder and AC&DC Cords- Yellow"; "POLYTUFF 800 1.5"" YELLOW hose: POLY-TUFF 800LITETM ULTRA-SHIELD COATED; EPDM Rubber Lining/Polyester Jacket, YELLOW";"POLYTUFF 800 2.5"" WHITE hose: POLY-TUFF 800 LITETM PLAINUNCOATED EPDM; Rubber Lining/Polyester Jacket, WHITE" Nozzle 1.5";ELKHART BRASS - Chief XD Nozzle, 1.5" NPSH, 95 GPM @ 100 PSI, Orange Bumper (Chief XD Nozzle 04XD0F57-0602010101BA); **CHECK THREADS**, XD Shutoff0033XD0F-06010101, 06 Outlet- 1.5" MNH, 1-1/4" Smooth Bore Discharge,01 Inlet- 1.5" FNH, 01 Pistol Grip- BLACK, 01 Bale- BLACK; Nozzle 52.5" ELKHART BRASS - Chief XD Nozzle 2.5"; Hydrant wrenches -2.5"; Gated Wye - 2.5" BCT female - 2 x 1.5" gated male"Honda High Pressure Pump (2""); Inlet: 2.5"" female rocker-swivel BCT threads; Outlet: 2 x 1.5"" male"; "HondaVolume (trash) pump Inlet:; Outlet: 2.5"" male BCT with cap";Gate valve 2.5"; Carbon X Balaclava Simple laser thermometer; Bullhorn;Firefighting Rubber Boots 1500; "Bullard – Px Contemporary stylethermoplastic structural fire helmet with face shield-YELLOW";"Starfield Lion - House Spec Turnout Coat and Pants; specs as per quoteSFLQ2624"; Starfield Lion Coveralls; 1.5" NH or NPSH adapter tocamlock 1/4 turn
FUTURE PROJECTS WUIKINUXV WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM(CONSTRUCTION): The recommended wastewater treatment and disposal concept isOption 2 - Lagoons with Rapid Infiltration Basin. The preferred site is to theeast of the community but this will be discussed further with the community,based on locations of future developments. This concept comprises of: Ø Two new lift stations, community septic tanksand related piping; Ø New 100mm diameter force mains extending 2,100malong the existing forestry service road to the site east of the community; Ø Aerated steel tank, concrete or earthen linedlagoons treatment plant; Ø A new steel tank or concrete rapid infiltrationbasins south west of the lagoons; ØThe decommissioning of the existing community septic tank and lift stations.The following recommendations are provided as a basis for Wuikinuxv to proceedfurther with this project. An environmental consultant needs to be engaged fortreatment options and disposal including permitting for the discharge options. Ø Move forward with a Feasibility (Phase II)investigation to complete further work for site inspection, survey,geotechnical, civil, etc. to assess the suitability of the site and dischargeoptions. Ø Wuikinuxv should present this Feasibility alongwith the attached Feasibility Approval Request (FAR Phase II) to IndigenousServices Canada (ISC) to secure technical and funding approval for theFeasibility Phase II. The cost estimate for Option 2 – Lagoons with Rapid Infiltration Basin is presented below: Construction Cost $8,025,000 Engineering and Contingency $3,200,000 Total Capital Cost $11,225,000 Annual O&M Costs$200,000 Total Life Cycle Cost (20 Year) $14,200,000
WUIKINUXV WATER SYSTEMUPGRADES (CONSTRUCTION): The water system elements include the following: 1)Wells - Provide two new 8’’ production well (primary and back up) to replacethe existing wells #1 & #2 2) Distribution System Improvements – Constructnew distribution system water mains together with improvement to the existingdistribution system, including the following: a) Reservoir supply main –dedicated supply main from treatment facility to a new reservoir. b)Distribution system cross-connections – New distribution main along forestryroad connecting into existing distribution creating loops within the system. c)Maintenance improvements – Addition of sampling points, additional hydrants,valves and swabbing 6 ports. 3) Reservoir – Provide a new reservoir that issized to accommodate a 20-year design horizon and to adequately provide fireprotection for the community. The new reservoir will be positioned next to theexisting reservoir for ease of commissioning. 4) Water Pumphouse &Treatment Facility - Provide a new pumphouse and disinfection facility,expandable to include future processes if required. The pumphouse and treatmentfacility will be in close proximity to the newly drilled wells. The estimated costs include: Capital Cost $ 4,529,000 Annual O&M Costs $ 29,430 Total Life Cycle Cost (40 Year) $ 5,124,549
YOUTH CENTER (CONSTRUCTION): The Youth Center will include all the elements agreed by the Youth Center Committee in February 2018 as well as the addition of the west wing building for the Family, Child and Youth Program offices. Construction - to be determined via contract bid process. Project budget estimate: Hard cost construction $4,126,500; Soft costs $495,180; FF&E (fixtures, furniture) $206,325.; and Contingency$495,180
FIRE HALL CONSTRUCTION & FIRE TRUCK PROCUREMENT: The Wuikinuxvcommunity seeks to construct a new fire hall along with the acquisition of anew fire truck to improve fire safety in the community. The old Fire Hall is anunlisted asset and is in poor condition as per the 2021/2022 ACRS. Three fireswere reported between 2018 and 2022, and the fire risk continues to threatenthe community. A new fire hall will address health and safety concerns in thecommunity and aid in preservation of community assets and infrastructurethrough fire protection. This project aligns with tier 3 (capital investments)of the Level of Services Standards for fire protection. FNESS recommends a steel building at a cost of $700,000. LOWER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT (CONSTRUCTION):A summary of the construction plans include: · Replacement of the log-stringerlower bridge with a new bridge structure consisting of precast concrete boxgirders and precast concrete spread footing abutments. This will entailreconstruction of the road approaches to achieve a higher deck elevation andthus a deeper channel to reduce the risk of future debris torrents. The bridgewill include the following design elements: o The bridge design life will be 75years. o the bridge span will be 18 meters. o the bridge design vehicle is asingle lane, CL-625 truck, which has a width of approximately 2.4m. o Apedestrian walkway delineated by a timber bull rail curb on the upstream sideof the bridge to allow for safe pedestrian access simultaneously vehicletraffic. · Improvements to creek channel including: o Reconstruction of the channel at the lower bridge to widen the channel and lower the High-Water Level. o Armour the channel banks to mitigate erosion potential from normal creek discharges. The cost estimate is $2,185,480 7
MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENTPLAN: The key elements of this project initiative include: Project Initiation Community; Consultation; Task List and Annual Work Schedule; Recordkeeping Solutions; Budget Planning; Training; and Wrap-up and Final Report. The total project cost is $20,000 WUIKINUXV LAND-USE PLAN: The key elements of this project initiative include:
PHASE 1 - BACKGROUND AND PREPARATION Project Initiation/Background Information; PHASE 2 - PROPOSED POLICY DIRECTIONS Development of Draft Land Use Policies and Designations;
PHASE 3 - PROPOSEDPOLICY DIRECTIONS Final Wuikinuxv Land Use Plan. The total estimated budget is$60,010
BIOMASS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT APRIL 2024: Wuikinuxv Nation completed a biomass feasibility study with Barkley Project Group in 2023. Identified a Community Woodstove program as the most favorable biomass next step in Wuikinuxv’s clean energy plan. NR Can funding available through Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities (CERRC) Program and Wah-ila-toos. Up to $1Millionand 100% of eligible project costs. Combining work for Woodstove Program and Energy Resiliency Biomass Project Development Phase 1 Phase 1A Woodstove program implementation plan and procurement Phase 1B Wood program implementation plan Phase 1C Energy resiliency, to supplement diesel offset during community expansion and biomass energy ramp up. To cite one of the key phases please note Phase 1C: Energy resiliency, supplement diesel offset during community expansion and biomass energy ramp up Activities will include: Assess rooftop solar PV for homes, wood sheds, and identified community buildings; Assess battery energy storage options for home and micro-grid scale; Geothermal energy assessment GIS database, data review, maps and graphics; Fieldwork and data collection, geophysics and remote sensing, and geochemistry &laboratory analysis
complete for the identification of geothermal energyresources available to the community Geoscience data is interpretation andidentify next steps; Project working group, review with Chief & Council;Community engagement and results review. The cost for this project is to bedete
1. LOWER BRIDGE: The contract tendering process for the Lower Bridge has been completed. There were three contractors who submitted acceptable bids. From the community there were four individuals who expressed an interest with the labor work and two formally submitted their completed Expression of Interest forms. The construction is planned to happen during August and September 2024.
2. YOUTH CENTRE: The funding application is ready and the minutes from the April 2023 meeting between the Wuikinuxv Nation Council and Indigenous Services Canada is almost ready as it will be used as a reference to the supporting Band Council Resolution. The first part of the funding application will be for the design work. Steps will be taken to meet with Council soon to review the application and draft Band Council Resolution.
3. LAND FILL ASSESSMENT: The proposal for an engineer to assess the environmental issues involved with closing the existing landfills will be discussed with Indigenous Services Canada fairly soon. There will be a consultation process in the community when this environmental assessment happens.
4. WHARF: Efforts will be now made to complete the RIC float project as soon as possible. It is planned to construct a cement float at RIC and the old community wharf ramp will be used when the float is delivered.
5. WATER SYSTEM: This design project will be completed soon and the plans for doing construction improvements will be proposed to Indigenous Services Canada.
6. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: This feasibility study will be completed soon and the proposal to do construction work will be forwarded to Indigenous Services Canada in the near future.
7. HOUSING INFRASTRUCTURE: A funding package to cover the costs of housing infrastructure has been submitted to Indigenous Services Canada and the results will be known fairly soon.
8. NEWGENERATOR AND FUEL STATION IMPROVEMENT: The new generator has been purchased and installed at the generator building. Also, the fuel station has had some major improvements. Thank you for your patience while the construction work took place.
In August 2024 there will be a visit with Indigenous Services Canada to review previous capital projects.